Monday, January 11, 2010

Chapter Three

Hello to everyone who is reading! Thanks for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated and helps me determine where the story is going to go! Unfortunately, classes started today for me so there won't be updates every day, but I'm going to do my best to keep the story alive!

April 16, 2006

Isn’t it crazy how fast time goes? The end of the season is only a couple of days away for the guys as they give everything that they have left in them to at least have a decent ending. Of course, that wouldn’t give the team a spot in the playoffs that they so badly strived to be in. It’s hard watching the team lose game after game with a win here and there, especially if you personally know most of the team. And hanging out with the guys after better put on your armor cause you never know what kind of mood they’re going to be in when they walk out of the locker room.

It’s weird that at the end of every season, I reflect on what’s happened and how I’ve changed. I’d like to say that I’ve stayed the same, just grown a little. I’ve made friends and I’ve lost friends. Such is life. But I’d like to say that the friends I have on the team are ones that I absolutely must hold onto. I don’t know what it is, but I just get the feeling that I’m going to need these people more than ever in the future.

During the season, Veronique (or Vero) and me have become much closer, so close that I consider her one of my best friends. It wasn’t that we didn’t like each other before, it’s just that we never clicked until this season that we were crazy to not be friends. Getting closer to Vero meant getting closer to Marc who is quite the comedian. I always thought Marc was a little shy and quiet, but once you get to know him, it’s hard to get him to shut up. His impersonations had me breathing for air - whether it was a skit from Saturday Night Live or trying to be Ron Burgendy.

“Okay, how many times have we watched this movie? Stop quoting every single line, Marc!” Vero shouted as she slapped her boyfriend’s arm.
“‘I DON‘T KNOW WHAT WE‘RE YELLING ABOUT!’” Max quoted from the movie jokingly.

All of the guys laughed in response while the girls just rolled their eyes. Not that I’m saying I hate Anchorman, I think it’s hilarious. However, when half the team is quoting the movie the entire time, it kind of ruins the movie.

“‘I love carpet,’” Colby started.
“‘I love desk,’” Marc said.
“‘I love lamp!’” Sidney finished.
“And I’d love it if you’d shut up!” I replied as I tried to act annoyed.
“What? You don’t like hearing my angelic voice?” Sid joked.
“Do I ever?”
“Hey Bonnie and Clyde, both of you shut it,” Colby said as he threw a pillow at Sid. “The best part’s about to come on and I don‘t wanna hear you two bickering about who‘s prettier!”

I snickered as Sidney raised an eyebrow at me and lightly hit me with the pillow. Out of all of the people that I have become closer to on the team, I am the closest with Sid. I’m sure that our age helps since we’re only two years apart from each other, but we just naturally have fun with each other. We always pick on each other - such as when I watch the team practice, I always try to distract Sid by either waving my arms frantically with a goofy face behind the glass or by simply chanting, “Crosby sucks!” The first couple of times I did those things, he wasn’t very happy with me and claimed that this was his job I was fooling around with. However, he lightened up and stopped caring when in response, I sprayed my bottle of silly string on his back while he was waiting to take his turn in practice.

My phone went off, signaling that I had a new text message.

When are you going to talk to him?

It was from my best friend Kelly Lipa. I knew what she was talking about and I was trying to avoid the subject.

When I made the school musical in January, my character was matched with another guy who just happened to be very attractive. His name is Aaron Crowder. He is a sophomore who plays on the soccer team which makes him very muscular. He wasn’t cocky like any other jock in our high school and had a hell of a singing voice. I was nervous about something as simple as sitting on his lap during one of our duets, but he smiled at me warmly and said, “You’re not gonna hurt me, and I won’t hurt you. Trust me.”

And with those two words, I automatically developed a crush. I usually never developed feelings for a guy until I truly got to know him or until someone actually asked me out. However, Aaron had completely taken over my mind. We would constantly flirt back and forth in rehearsals which in return, rumors started flying through school about us not only dating on stage, but off stage as well. We would joke about it and laugh it off, but deep down inside, I really prayed that it could become a reality.

It seemed like it was becoming one. The last night of the show, we gave it our all on the last time that we sang our duet. Now, normally when the song ended, I would just sit on Aaron’s lap and rest my head on his shoulder (as our director told us to ..not that I was objecting). However, this last performance, as I rested my head on his shoulder, he turned his head and kissed me on the cheek. My eyes went wide as the lights on the stage dimmed. We had never rehearsed that. That had never been a part of the song before. What was he trying to say?

The only response I could return at the time was a giggle. But as soon as I got off stage, I started skipping towards the dressing room to change costumes for the next scene that I was supposed to appear in. Aaron and I never talked about what the whole ‘kiss on the cheek’ thing was about. We continued to hang out and he started coming over my house after school. When we were by ourselves one day, he reached for my hand and held it the entire time he was there as we watched a movie.

As much as I wanted to keep this to myself since Aaron and I had never actually discussed what we were, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Soon, my mother, Kelly, and Vero knew all about Aaron ..along with the rest of the team when Marc ’accidentally’ overheard one of our conversations and spread the news to the entire team. The guys immediately wanted to know who Aaron was, if he had a job, what his intentions were, etc.

“We’re not even officially dating yet. I don’t even know what we are! For all I know, we could just still be friends!”
“Seems like it’s heading that way though! He must be so dreamy!” Colby said with starry eyes.
I hit him, “Shut up! You’re just jealous that you can’t get Mel to think about you that way!”
“Ooh!” All of the guys in the locker room responded ..except for Sid. He just continued to stare down at his skates as he tied them to get ready for practice.
“Well, listen Rach. I’m glad for you and all, even though you could have had me,” Max said as he pointed at himself, “but I can’t say that on behalf of everyone in the locker room.”
The room suddenly became silent as everyone turned their heads towards the stall behind me. Sidney glared at Max as he finished tying his skates. He then grabbed his stick and a roll of tape and walked towards a more private area of the locker room where he was hidden.
“You’re an idiot. You know that, right?” Vero asked Max.
“What? What did I say?” Max said trying to act innocent as he shrugged it off and finished getting ready for practice.
“What was that all about?” I asked Vero. “Did Sid make a face behind my back or something?”
Vero chuckled, “No, you just missed an inside joke between him and Max. You wouldn’t understand. Let’s go sit in the stands so we can think of ways to throw the boys off of their game.”
I agreed, but as we walked out of the locker room, I couldn’t help but to look back only to find Sidney looking at me until he blushed and walked back towards his locker.

Was he mad about Aaron? Did he not like him or something?

“Are you gonna answer your phone or do you like the ringtone you picked out so much?”
I came back into focus as I looked at Sid as he held my phone in his hand. I looked at the screen to see who it was.

Well speak of the devil.

“Hey, can you talk?” Aaron answered.
“Yeah, of course! Hold on,” I replied as I got off of the couch and tip-toed my way onto the Lemieux porch, but not without a couple of whistles and kissing sounds from the guys.
“Okay, sorry about that. Just hanging out with a couple of friends. What’s up?”
“Rach, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the rumors about us haven’t stopped even though the musical has.”
I rolled my eyes, “That’s just high school, Aaron. We just have to ignore it. Everyone will be gossiping about another person soon so don’t worry about it.”
Aaron sighed, “But I am worried about it. Because they’re not true.”
I froze. “..Yeah ..I guess they’re not ..I mean ..damn it, Aaron! What’s going on between us?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You should know. You flirt with me, you hold my hand, you kiss me on the cheek! What is all of this leading to?”
There was a long pause on the other end of the line. I wasn’t sure if he hung up, but I was about to.
“Rachel, you know I really care about you. Its just ..everyone’s watching us. I don’t like that. I wanted us to be private, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
“Who cares who’s watching?! None of that should matter!”
“You’re right. It shouldn’t matter. God, that’s what I love about you so much. You’re just so down-to-earth and you don’t deal with this high school drama bullshit.”
“So what’s the problem?” I asked as I closed my eyes and cringed, immediately regretting it.
“The problem that I think I’m in love with someone else.”

I felt as if my heart hit the floor and was stomped on until it was completely dead. Well, that’s a way to win a girl.

“So I guess that settles it then. And to think I actually thought you were a nice guy, too.”
“Rachel, let me explain what -”
“No! You let me explain! Let me explain how you basically led me to believe that we were gonna be dating! Okay, you don’t show affection towards me and then put on the same exact show for another girl! It doesn’t work that way! I don’t care what grade you are in, you should still be mature enough to realize how to treat a girl! My one-year-old cousin treats me better than you do and he’s puked on me! So thanks for the game you had me play with you, but you lose,” I say as I shut my phone and toss it carelessly where it lands on the concrete porch with a loud thud.

As much as I was hurt by Aaron’s stupidity, I refused to shed a tear. He wasn’t worth it. No guy was. Why do I even bother? Men seem to always get their way with girls, and when they got what they wanted, they moved on to the next girl. I try so hard to remind myself that I’m still young and that I have plenty of time to find someone. But then I shudder in terror of always being the bridesmaid and never the bride. I didn’t want to be the last one in my group of friends to get married. But right now, I just don’t see how that’ll happen.

I continued to stare into the backyard when I heard the porch door open and shut behind me. I didn’t have to guess who it was as I felt his presence next to me. The smell of his cologne disrupted my train of thought, and I smiled.

My best friend.

“You missed all of the guys singing ‘Afternoon Delight.’”
I chuckled, “Did Colby hit the high notes this time?”
“He tried.”

We both laughed thinking about our friend trying to sing, but then we were silent again. I knew what he came out here for. He wanted to know what happened. To see if I was okay. Even though I tried to hide what I was feeling inside, Sidney knew better. He knew better than to believe the mask on my face.

I sighed, “I was basically a piece of clothing to him. He tried me on to see if I fit him well. And obviously, I didn’t so I’ve been tossed to the side and put on clearance.”
Sidney shook his head, “You’re worth a lot more than that. It’s his loss.”
He looked at me as I just sighed heavily, “Don’t let him get to you, Rach. There are plenty of guys that would do anything to have a chance with you.”
I rolled my eyes and turned to him, “Yeah, I’m sure there are. C’mon, Sid! No offense, but all that guys are after are girls with great bodies for a one night stand and girls who will do anything they want them to. I’m not like that. I refuse to give myself completely away to someone who just plans on passing me by in the end.”
“Not all guys are like that.”
“Oh, really? Well, I can’t wait until I’m proven wrong then because that in itself will be a miracle.”
“Do you think I’m like that?”

My eyes got wide as I looked at him. He had this look as if he was just insulted. Can’t say that I blame him - I basically just criticized the entire male population.

“..I don’t know. I’ve never seen you with a girl to know.”
“Well I’m not,” he said as he leaned against the railing. “What I look for in a girl is independence. But not so much that she can’t lean on me for help. I wanna be able to take care of someone and show her that the world’s not as bad as it seems.”
I smiled, “Well, whoever that girl is will be very lucky.”
Sidney looked out into the yard, “Hopefully ..if she ever figures out that I’m already here.”
“Well, if she hasn’t figured it out by now, then she’s either crazy or it’s just not the right time. You’re a great guy - she must have blinders on.”
He chuckled bitterly and turned to me, “You have no idea.”

We just looked at each other. Now, call me insane, but it can’t be that hard for Sidney Crosby to find a girl who equally wants him back. There’s girls across Pittsburgh who desperately try to find his house number on Google. There’s girls who wait for hours after a game just to catch a sight of him. Hell, he’s got people from Canada begging him to marry their daughter. Sure, he’s got to watch out for the gold diggers and other bimbos, but it can’t be that hard for him to find someone who could care less about the fame and the money.

Just as I was about to respond, my attention diverted towards the water that separated Sidney and me from where we were standing. I quickly stood back even further as I turned to see Ryan with a water gun in his hand.

“Would you care to explain yourself?” I asked annoyed.
Ryan laughed, “It got your attention, didn’t it? C’mon, the movie’s over and we’re about to play Apples to Apples!”
“We’ll be in there in a minute,” I said as I shooed him off into the house. “One of these days, I’m just gonna snap on him and it won’t be pretty.”
“You mean you haven’t done that yet?”
“Pretty damn close..”
“Well, let me know when that happens so I know when to yell at him for all of the bouncy balls falling out of my helmet when I went to put it on.”

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that. I could see Sidney standing in the locker room pissed not only because there were bouncy balls hitting him in the head, but just at the mere fact that someone touched his stuff before a game. The boy’s superstitions were wacky, but they seemed to be working for him.

I looked at him sadly, “Do you have to go home this summer?”
He nodded, “As much as I wish I was here until June, I do miss my family and friends. I feel like I’m missing Taylor growing up so I’m really anxious to just go home and hang out with her again.”
“That’ll be nice. It’s always so weird when you guys go home for the summer. It seems as if there’s no one around, and I get bored easily.”
“So you’re saying that we’re not that bad to hang out with, eh?”
I grinned, “Nope, especially when I can make fun of you for your accent.”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s not that bad.”
“Say ‘about.’”
“About,” he said as I started to laugh.

He threw his hands up in frustration as I walked closer and threw my arms around him for a hug. Sidney seemed shocked and hesitant at first before he returned the hug.
“I’m gonna miss you,” I said as I squeezed him tighter. “Don’t change that much.”
“I won’t. Don’t forget about me - I’m just a call away even though I know you hate talking on the phone.”
“Okay,” I laughed as I let go of him and started to head inside. When I was about to close the door, I turned around to see that he wasn’t following me. I assumed that he was going to stay outside for a little longer.

“Hey Sid?”
He turned to look at me, “Yeah?”
I smiled, “I hope whoever she is figures it out soon.”
I shut the door and left Sidney alone on the porch.

“I hope so, too,” he whispered.


Cathy said...

What a great update!! I so loved their conversation out on the porch! I hope she figures it out soon!! Can't wait for more!

ilovehockey said...

love your stories!!!!!! they are amazing! and i agree, i hope she figures out soon!!!